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Read insights from our ISSA certified Fitness Coach and Nutritionist, Thomas Bonanno, regarding supplementation and healthy habits.

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What supplement(s) can I take to improve my mental focus and concentration?

Our ADVANCED Flow State and ADVANCED Ashwagandha are formulated to help improve both mental focus and concentration. Please consult your doctor before adding any supplements to your daily regimen.

Is there a natural supplement to help me reduce stress and anxiety?

The best supplement to reduce stress and anxiety is ADVANCED Ashwagandha, which works by calming stress hormones and supporting overall health in the body. ADVANCED Magnesium Glycinate is another great option, as it helps to reduce cellular stress and muscle relaxation.

What is the best supplement for promoting better sleep and relaxation?

ADVANCED Magnesium Glycinate helps people to relax and fall asleep more readily.

Can you recommend a supplement to support joint and muscle health for active individuals?

ADVANCED Vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 is a fat-soluble vitamin that supports the growth and development of bones and teeth. It also plays an essential role in the functioning of the muscles and boosting energy levels in the body. 

I have dietary restrictions. What supplements are suitable for a vegan diet?

Can you recommend supplements to support overall immune health?

ADVANCED Ashwagandha and Vitamin D-3 are best for immune support.

What's the best way to incorporate supplements into my daily routine?

Most products should be taken in the morning with your first meal and with plenty of water. Please see the Directions before taking, as some do ask you take right before bed.

Are there supplements that can help with memory and cognitive function?

Our Ashwagandha, Nootropic Brain Formula, Magnesium, and Creatine products all help support cognitive function.

Do you have any recommendations for supplements that support heart health?

As of right now, our Multi-Vitamin is the only product we offer that specifically helps in this area. However, taking any of our supplements and improving your overall health (burning fat and gaining muscle) will ultimately improve the function of your heart/circulatory system.

How can I determine the right dosage for the supplements I need?

Each product has the recommended dosage included. However, it is advised to consult your doctor before taking anything new.

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